Twenty percent of individuals identify themselves as procrastinators. For some people, procrastination is their lifestyle, but it cuts the domain in their life. One of the symptoms of procrastination is they don’t pay their bills on time, miss different activities in their life, file important documents late and even leave their shopping activities until the desired time occurs. Nowadays, procrastination isn’t taken as a problem, but it just represents the problem of self regulation. This is not a problem of planning and time management. Rather, they are optimistic enough compared to others.
Explanation of Procrastination Traits
Procrastination is not born with a person, but it is done. It is also learned in the family just like a parenting style. A father teaches his children to regulate themselves to internalize their own decisions and intentions. This can also be a form of rebellion to turn to more friends than to their own parents for guidance and support. Their friends can reinforce the so called procrastination since they tend to be tolerant of their excuses. This can also predict high levels of alcohol intake and will lead to the effect of disengagement through substance abuse. They tell lies to themselves and indulge the time pressure to turn out badly. They also look for distractions as a way to regulate their fear, failure and emotions.
Most people are procrastinating for many reasons such as thrill seekers who wait until the last minute for the euphoric rush and avoiders who avoid the fear of failure and fear of success. These people lack effort than ability. The decisional procrastinators are the ones who cannot make their own decisions and fear the outcome of events.
Effect of Procrastination
One of the biggest costs of procrastination is health. Procrastinating, in some college students, is one of the evidence of immune system deficiency such as flu and colds. In addition to these deficiency problems are insomnia and gastrointestinal problems. It burdens the responsibility of an individual and destroys teamwork and private relationships. They can also change their behavior and consume their psychic energy, but this can be solved by cognitive behavioral therapy. The new trends of technology such as Facebook, the internet, latest mobile phones and watching TV are some of the constant distractions that make one put things off. In 1978, 5% of the population admitted to being chronic procrastinators compared to roughly 26% of the population today.
You cannot avoid procrastination by just removing the constant distractions. However, you can do it with the help of time management in order to have a habit of getting things done. In order to avoid this, try to beat procrastination by yourself. This is one of the best options that individuals choose in order to cope up with trials and errors. You can also attend seminars in order for you to feel better and know how to avoid procrastination. You can also browse the internet and find some online courses that deal with procrastination. In this course, you will learn the step by step procedure on how to beat procrastination. Rest assured that if you try this online course, you will stop procrastinating completely and have a habit of procrastinating less and get important things done.
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