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15 Ways to Improve Non-Verbal Communication


Most of the communication we receive from one another comes in non-verbal formats. According to Dr. Albert Mehrabian, just 7% of a conveyed message is through the spoken word.

That is why improving non-verbal communication makes it easier to convey information correctly to one another. Here are some simple methods that are proven to make that happen.

1) Maintain eye contact.
When you maintain eye contact with someone, it indicates that you’re engaged and focused. Don’t stare directly at the person. Look at their face to avoid an uncomfortable locking of the eyes instead.

2) Stand closer to people.
Leaning closer to people is an indication of familiarity and comfort. Close contact will also add importance to the words that you are offering in conversation.

3) Maintain your posture.
Stand or sit up straight, maintain a good posture throughout the back and shoulders. Hunching your shoulders can communicate that you are uncertain, insecure, or uncomfortable.

4) Use your head.
Nodding your head, in agreement or disagreement, indicates that you’re engaged with the conversation. The non-verbal communication here will also reinforce the strength of your specific opinions.

5) Talk with your hands.
People who make hand motions while they talk are often seen as warm and approachable people. Just be careful, however, because there gesticulating is also viewed as a sign of being agreeable.

6) Smile more.
Smiling can lift the moods of other people. It encourages eye contact as well. Just make sure it is an authentic smile. Offering a fake smile can depress the mood in the room.

7) Take care of yourself.
If you keep yourself neat and clean, then it speaks of personal responsibility. People tend to let themselves go when they stop caring.

8) Keep still.
Any movement that occurs while listening to someone else will communicate that you are uncomfortable. It may even communicate that you’re stressed-out by what is being communicated to you. Limit any rocking motions. Try to keep your legs still if you can.

9) Firm handshakes.
A firm handshake communicates confidence. A weak handshake communicates uncertainty. A firm handshake will also create positive energy and can strengthen professional relationships.

By paying attention to how we communicate non-verbally, the information we convey to one another improves. Use these tips to improve the accuracy of your communication today.

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Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.