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10 Failure Stories of Successful People


We often celebrate entrepreneurs for the successes they’ve created. Many entrepreneurs discovered failure before they found success. Here are some interesting examples to consider.

1) Henry Ford.
Before creating the Ford Motor Company, this entrepreneur created the lesser known Detroit Automobile Company. That first business venture went into bankruptcy. With the Model T through Ford, this entrepreneur would eventually be worth almost $200 billion.

2) Steve Jobs.
We all know Jobs’ story with Apple, getting fired from his own company by the age of 30. Jobs would start another venture, called NeXT, which would eventually be purchased by Apple. That gave this entrepreneur another chance to succeed at the company he helped to originally create.

3) Walt Disney.
This entrepreneur was once fired from his job at a newspaper. He was told that his work contained zero imagination and there were no good ideas being offered. Disney would even sell the rights to his most-popular character before creating Mickey Mouse and the success which would come to follow.

4) Sir James Dyson.
Thomas Edison famously failed 1,000 times to create a light bulb. Dyson failed 5,126 times to create a vacuum prototype before perfecting his technology. This entrepreneur went through 15 years of his savings before finally finding success to the tune of $5 billion.

5) Oprah Winfrey.
Arguably the most influential African-American woman of her time, Winfrey was once fired from a job for being too emotionally invested in her work. She didn’t see that as a failure, using that investment to create her own media empire worth nearly $3 billion.

6) Arianna Huffington.
This entrepreneur may have founded The Huffington Post and gone on to publishing success, but it wasn’t always that way. When she wrote her second book, three dozen different publishers rejected her work.

7) Colonel Sanders.
This entrepreneur was famous for the number of times that he failed with business opportunities. Kentucky Fried Chicken was reportedly his last chance for success. Even then, his chicken recipe was rejected more than 1,000 times before he went all-in to market his ideas personally.

Success is never guaranteed. If we learn from our mistakes, we can create new opportunities for ourselves. Like these entrepreneurs learned, only those who decide to give up will lose their hope for the future.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.