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14 Fantastic Title Company Marketing Ideas

As a title company, you’ve got to get out into your community so that you can reach your home buyers and sellers to promote your services. You’ve also got a secondary market with the lenders in your area so that you can gain a share of the customer based. Although you may get some business from mortgage companies that are outside of your community, you’ve got to work hard to build relationships on both sides of the aisle.

That’s where the beginning of your marketing journey happens to be. Use the relationships that you’re building to create new relationships. Network often, bring up your services when appropriate with real estate professionals, lenders, and other potential lien holders that may use your services. People will not use your title company if they know nothing about you.

Creative Marketing Ideas for Title Companies

1. Get Into Publications
Every piece of local media has a section that is dedicated to real estate in some way and that’s where you need to be. You might be able to get free press from guest columns or press releases you create, but a reliable way to get noticed is to purchase specific advertising space in the areas where real estate agents will look.

2. Work the Email
If you’re not collecting email addresses from your contacts, then now is the time to start because there is no other effective way to reach out to both demographics you need to reach in a timely way. You can generate one email to reach everyone, demographic-specific emails, or provide access to industry links that may help show off how much value you can provide.

3. Provide an Immediate Response
If you don’t respond to an email or you allow a call to go to voicemail, then you are risking business. Always pick up the phone, respond immediately to a message, or send an email back as soon as you have time to do so. Schedule time into your day to do so as well so that you no one slips through the cracks.

4. What Is Your Online Presence?
Your website is the first point of contact almost everyone will have of you and that means it needs to be professional in every way. Keep your content fresh and interesting. Be concise, but also provide value to people who want to get to know you. Be clear about your mission, your philosophy, and the value that you can prove you provide to others.

5. Get a Newsletter Created
Even though many households will experience the joys of owning a home at some point in their lives, a surprising amount of those who own homes actually know the financial specifics that they’re getting involved with in their home purchase. Talk about title insurance or escrow. Discuss the benefits of property searches. Be active in the information that you provide so people can have a greater understanding. There’s no better way to provide value.

6. Be Accessible
You might be busy, but so is everyone else and time is money. The more accessible you are for meetings, signings, or just social conversation, the more likely you are to have real estate agents select you for their needs.

7. What Makes You Different?
The way you present yourself is what sets you apart because let’s face it – title companies all basically have the same set of services that they provide. You can’t set your services apart like other businesses, but you can set apart the quality of your customer service. Your proactive efforts to provide world class service will pay off in the end.

8. Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
The most important thing you can do for both sides of your customer base is to communicate everything you can provide at any time. Make yourself clear, stay up to date on needs, and just be there as a listening ear if necessary.

9. Price Is a Major Factor
You can set yourself apart by the price of the services you provide if you know what your competitors are providing as well. Maybe you can offer discounts to cash buyers or make sure that there are no additional fees for third-party services. The better the price you can offer, the more likely you are to get a bigger share of the services.

10. How Far Is Your Reach?
A larger service area often means more business because you’re casting a larger net for your customer base. This might take some effort on your part and there might even be some expansion expenses, but the effort in the long run will pay off in time.

11. What Payments Do You Receive?
There are a number of payment methods that are available today that some households may require to be adequately serviced. Many people today utilize digital bank accounts, such as PayPal, for many of their banking needs. Others may use digital currencies, such as Bitcoin. Checks, credit/debit cards, cash – they’re all payment options that if you accept, you have a chance to stand out.

12. Be Transparent
Your transparency is your greatest asset because it shows everyone that you stand behind your work. The work ethic that you’re able to show everyone and to be able to back it up with quality results is often the best marketing tool in your toolbox.

13. Use Couriers
Real estate agents and home buyers or sellers can’t always drop everything to stop by the office to drop off earnest money, documents, or other needs. If you have a courier service under contract, then you have yet another service that will help to set you apart from the other title agencies in your community.

14. Give People Tools
Many people want to have an estimate of how much it will cost to utilize your services and if you have online tools that will help them do so, they’ll be more likely to work with you when they can pull the trigger on a purchase too.

Marketing Collaboration and Trends

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.