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10 Best Types of Visual Content for Blogs


In today’s world, there are many things that business owners will need to do in order to survive. No longer are single businesses reigning supreme, in fact, businesses are dwindling due to the weakened market that is not only occurring in a couple countries, but globally. It is hard to run a business, and in order for your business to do well, you will need to take some approaches that you may not be used to.

One of the easiest ways to draw customers is by producing visual content that is simple, but unique, in order for you to truly represent the product or service you are trying to sell. Here are five of the most basic, as well as best, types of visual content for your company as highlighted from this infographic.

1) Dazzling Photographs.
By providing your customers with high resolution photographs, you can show them your product in use. This will allow them to see the end trial, in what way your product will impact them. You can also show off the team behind your product, so that the customers know the “face behind the brand.”

2) Data Visualizations.
By showing chart results of your product, you can further promotion of the product or brand. Whether it be a chart, diagram, or any other visual representation of statistic, you can show them chart results of your product. For example, 20% more people chose our product over so and so, in a blind taste test.

3) Call To Action.
While many companies do have call to actions, not many create them in a efficient way. Whether your call be “subscribe now”, or “purchase the following”, you need to have a command to the audience in order to sway their decision to buy your product. Promote your sales by providing these call to actions with eye catching colors, or dazzling photographs of the product.

4) Engrossing Video.
Most customers will choose to watch a video, instead of reading an article based around your product. This is because most customers do not have time to read lengthy articles, but they can listen to a couple minute clips about your product. Take advantage of this opportunity by creating a interesting video that is promoting the service/product you are selling. If you can, make it lighthearted simple, so that your customers will be more drawn to your product.

5) Use Screenshots.
By proving a screenshot of your product for your customers, you are showing what your product looks like. If you can post the reviews about the product also, it furthers the chance that the customer will listen to what your business has to say, and in what ways they can make the customer’s lives better or easier.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.