Nike Sales Statistics
The fourth quarter for Nike, Inc. in 2012 ended up being their largest revenue quarter in history. With a 23% increased in inventories from the previous year, the following statistics show the recent financial health of Nike, Inc.
Nike Sales Overview
– Footwear net revenue: $1.2 billion.
– Athletic footwear sales for basketball wholesale – $90 million
– Footwear sales in emerging markets – $1.2 billion
– Global market share in athletic footwear – 26.80%
Nike CEO Leadership
A comparison of the Nike CEO to the success seen with Steven Job’s branding of Apple.
2012 Income Statement Review
Revenues – 12% increase to $6.5 billion.
Gross Margin – Declined to 42.8% due to increasing product costs.
Selling and Administrative Expenses – Increased 12% to $2 billion.
Other Expenses $38 million, primarily accounting towards their brand restructuring in Western Europe.
History of the Athletic Show
The following infographic takes a look at the history of the athletic shoe with the first woven shoe dating back to 8,000 B.C.
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