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Employment Engagement Methods and Drivers for Strategic Employee Engagement


Do you know the difference between a happy worker and an engaged one?

There are big differences in their attitudes, productivity and performance. But even more strikingly, there are certainly differences in the value they bring to your company.

The good news is that the engagement of most employees can be easily improved. However, this can only happen if the company takes the initiative and actively works towards this goal. Read on to learn how an engaged employee becomes a happier worker, and makes the workplace happier as well.

Satisfaction vs. Engagement

A satisfied employee is not the same as an engaged one. When an employee is satisfied, they are typically happy with their job role, the company and coworkers. They get the minimum requirements and responsibilities of their job done. In comparisons, an engaged employee will fully contribute to the betterment of the whole company. This is also usually accompanied by the feeling of satisfaction.

Surveys from Halogen Software have shown that 4 out of every 5 employees never reach their full potential. Also 4 out of every 10 workers are disengaged with their job and company.

10 Motivations for Employee Engagement

1. Attention to employee welfare. Senior managers should show a genuine interest in their employee’s well being.

2. Improving skills. Employees need to learn new skills and improve existing ones. This kind of achievement is a great motivator.

3. Invest in social responsibility. A company needs to be sincerely invested in social responsibility, towards the local area and environment.

4. Allow for input. Employees should be able to contribute to discussions and decisions within their own department. Let them voice their concerns, thoughts and ideas.

5. Prioritize customer concerns. Issues brought up by customers should be dealt with quickly and efficiently.

6. Keep standards high. Set high goals and targets for personal standards.

7. Room to grow. An employee should always have the chance to advance and grow within the company.

8. Fulfilling work. Talented workers should be engaged with high skill and more difficult work.

9. Healthy relationships. The relationship between employees and supervisors should be mutually agreeable.

10. Forward thinking. A company that is looking towards the future as well as the present is always appreciated. Employees feel more secure in their jobs and more trusting towards the company.

The Levels of Employee Engagement

An employee brings more value and benefits to a company based on how engaged they are.

Disengaged employee:

  • Won’t know what is expected of them
  • May not have the necessary resources to work effectively
  • Isn’t tied to the company or fellow coworkers
  • Will be costing the company around $3,400 for every $10,000 in salary.

Moderately engaged employee:

  • Will meet basic performance goals
  • Is satisfied with their position within the company
  • Has an equal cost/benefit scale

Full engaged employee:

  • Consistently utilizes all their talent
  • Performs to the highest standard
  • Will network and creates strong connections
  • Committed to the company
  • Comes up with new ideas
  • Always maintains a good attitude
  • Is highly profitable for the company

Employee Engagement Methods

There are many methods and techniques to actively encourage workers to perform to the best of their ability. Increase worker engagement with:

  • Manager training
  • Succession planning
  • Pay for performance
  • Development planning
  • Coaching sessions
  • Goal alignment

Improving employee engagement will result in a big boost in productivity and end up saving on a lot of costs.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.