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9 Ways to Increase Your Email Subscribers List


5 Tips To Grow Your E-Mail Marketing Lists

E-mail marketing has been around for almost two decades now because of one simple fact: it is one of the most effective methods of contacting targeted customers with an exclusive value. Even with modern spam filters on e-mail servers, all it takes is one simple opt-in from someone to create a lead that could convert multiple times! The problem that many marketers have, however, is that they are unable to grow their e-mail marketing lists effectively. Without valid e-mail addresses, there are no leads. Without leads, there are no sales!

These tips will help you increase your e-mail marketing lists rapidly and effectively.

Tip #1: Display Your Sign-Up Button Above the Fold

The most common place for information to be seen on a webpage is at the top right hand corner of the screen. If you place your opt-in button there for your e-mail subscription, you’ll quickly increase the amount of conversions you’re able to get. There’s also no rule that says you can only ask someone one to sign up for your newsletter – having another link above the fold in the content area of your site doubles your chances of a conversion.

Tip #2: You’ve Got To Offer Value

Why do so many people offer up an e-mail address, their birthdays, and other vital information on a daily basis in the hopes of winning a contest? Because there is value in that hope. They might win, so offering up a little information to get that prize is worth the risk. What kind of value are you offering people in return for getting your newsletter? If there is no value, you won’t get people signing up to see what you’ve got.

Tip #3: Be Honest

Your targeted visitors are more likely to convert and give you their e-mail address if they know what you plan on doing with their information. This is a great way for you to back up on that promise of sending out an informationally packed newsletter once per month and information about new products or services as you discover them. People who feel deceived may initially give you an e-mail address, but then they’ll opt out. When you’re honest about what you’re doing, you’ll get people who want to be on your list.

Tip #4: Focus On the Consumer

Of course you’re sending out e-mails with the hope that you’ll get money out of the deal in some way. Many marketers make the mistake of making each e-mail be about them and their business instead of it being about the person who is reading that e-mail. Consumer driven content will always lead to more interest in a product or service, which means more leads, and ultimately more sales.

Tip #5: Always Include Your Privacy Policy

Today’s consumer is smart and savvy. Most of them can spot a shifty character a mile away and one of the easiest ways to leave that impression about yourself is to not take care of your legal obligations. Make the links to your policies easy to access and you’ll develop the right reputation.

When these tips are used consistently, you’ll soon see an increase in your conversion rates for your e-mail list. What could you do today, using these tips, to improve the experience your targets are having?

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.