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9 Types of Email Campaigns that Increase Sales


There was a time when email marketing was a very rewarding exercise. Pioneers of email marketing made windfall gains and many of those companies have now become brands. Cut to present day and email marketing has become ordinary and overdone. Any and every company sends tons of emails every day. Most companies send emails randomly, without even knowing if the recipient is a prospective customer. Sadly, email marketing has become synonymous with spamming.

It has become difficult to segregate substance from noise. From fake lotteries to promos that are outright scams, email marketing has seen it all. And yet, it remains to be a very effective method of reaching out to your target audience. What you need is not a random email marketing campaign but a very well knit strategy. Here is a brief guide to help you develop a successful email marketing strategy.

1) Always Have a Target Audience.
Divide that audience into relevant categories. There are prospective customers, former customers, present or loyal customers and then there are leads that have expressed interest in buying your products or trying your services. Do not send the same email to a cold lead and a hot lead. Do not send the same email to a loyal customer and a former customer. Use email marketing as a niche strategy and not as a mass scale campaign. The latter will not work today.

2) Always Incentivize The Customer.
It doesn’t matter if the recipient has never heard of your company or has been a loyal customer. You should incentivize one and all. The incentives can be varied. A loyal customer obviously deserves more freebies or generous rewards than a cold lead. But having rewards is quintessential.

3) Run Multiple Email Marketing Campaigns.
Always have multiple email marketing campaigns and study their impact. Run a type of content and a certain kind of offer, see the impact, check the click through rates or leads generated and then decide if the campaign is worth running. Impactful materials can be rerun and can be used for another segment of target audience. The campaign that doesn’t have any impact should be discarded, sooner than later.

4) Personalize Your Email Marketing Campaigns.
Use names to address the recipients. Try to personalize different sections of the content shared on email. Make references to any past correspondences if they are of relevance.

5) Connect With Other Promotional Strategies.
Take your email marketing campaign and connect it with your other promotional strategies. Link your email marketing materials with your social media strategy. Offer multiple avenues for your target audience to connect with you.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.