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6 Steps to Getting More Links to Your Site with Emails


6 Ways To Write The Most Effective Outreach Email

1. Have a Branded Email
The first step is that you will want to get an email address that is branded, something like [email protected] rather than a generic free email service such as Gmail. This will make your brand recognizable and gain more trust from your target recipient. Keep in mind that your name and email address are what give your potential customers their first impression of you and your company.

2. Contact the Right Person
Second, always be sure that you are contacting the correct person. The bigger the organization or website, the more difficult it is going to be to target the correct individual. You need to be sure you are getting the email out to the people who are the most likely to be able to meet your agenda and specific needs.

3. Make Full Use of the Subject Line
Third, be sure that you are utilizing your email subject lines. You want to use a subject line that is enticing without sounding sneaky. A good practice is to use your recipient’s first names in the subject line. This will be more likely to catch their attention.

4. Personalize Your Salutation
Fourth, it is always essential that you personalize the salutation of your email. Once again, a good practice is to always use their first name so that it sounds more friendly and less like a robot. Even if you are sending to a member of an organization, you should at least include the name of their company, website or organization.

5. Be Brief, Yet Direct
Fifth, you need to always be direct, brief and to the point. Try not to be too wordy. Keep in mind that email readers have short attention spans. You want to be sure that you are making your point very clear without sounding pushy. This is certainly a bit of a balancing act but it is one that can be easily achieved simply by always proofreading and with a bit of practice.

6. Use the Right Signature
Sixth, you need to always use an appropriate signature. You do not want to be too wordy in your signature either. Your motto could probably be left out. Be sure to shorten your title to something that sounds professional. Your signature needs to match the tone and the intent of the message that you are trying to send out. It is probably best to keep the word marketing out of your signature or really any other part of the email as well.

Keep these six things in mind the next time you are writing an outreach email and you should be on your way to being as effective as possible. Remember: one of the most vital things to keep in mind is that your readers have a short attention span. You do not have long to grab their attention, gain their trust and get your message across. Utilize your outreach emails well!

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.