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4 Best Tips on Writing a Blog Post

4 Best Tips on Writing a Blog Post

Use The Lsss Formula When Writing Content For Your Business Blog

If you are thinking about starting a blog for your business, here are some statistics that you might want to keep in mind: companies that blog had 55 % more visitors than those businesses who do not blog; 57% of companies that blog report that they have gotten more clients from their blog; B2C companies (business to business companies) had 88% more leads than those companies who did not blog. So the statistics do show that blogging is beneficial to business.

With those encouraging statistics, it is important to keep these four factors in mind if you want your blog to be successful: the LSSS formula.

Your blog should be linkable, so include links in your articles, along with related articles, other sources, and other online channels. By interacting with other blogs and linking them back to your blog you will increase readership.

Your blog should be scanable to make it easy for readers to view. Here are suggestions for making your blog scanable: use images, headers and BOLD type; break up the text for easy reading; and make text visually engaging and succinct. The reader should get the same message when they skim a page and not mixed messages. Mixed messages mean fewer readers.

Your blog should be sociable. Engaging your readers with conversation is very important so when you receive comments on your post, make sure you respond. Include links to your social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Pinterest to give your readers other options to share. Publishing content on your blog is more influential than relying on social media platforms alone. Your company’s social networks are an important media for your blog. By posting your articles on your social networks your will have more exposure which means more people will see you. You should also update your blog on a regular basis to keep it new and fresh. ? One of the most effective ways to increase your search engine ranking is to add high quality content regularly.

You blog should be searchable. There is no point to have a blog and web presence if no one knows your there/where you are. How do you get your business to come up close to the top of a search list? You can improve your blog’s searchability by improving your search engine optimization, using keywords, links and tags. All of these will increase your chances of being “found.”

Blogging is a way to increase your business’ digital presence and generate new business. It is important to have a powerful online presence in order to stand out from you competitors. By using the LSSS formula: linkable, scanable, sociable, and searchable, you can build and grow your business.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.