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13 Great Slideshare Presentation Marketing Tips and Statistics


Stacking the Deck

What would a 10 million slideshare look like?

Arranging 10 million slideshares would stretch from New York to London. In 2007, powerpoint was the main application for presentation, but as time went by, slideshare was developed and in 2013, there was approximately 10 million uploads to slideshare.

Top 5 Categories Span A Wide Range of Topics

The categories are:

Business: In this category, we have JWT intelligence with 100 things to watch. In 2012, Julian Cold with what is Digital Strategy and Burson – Marstellar with Global Social Media Checkup 2012.

Technology: In this categorie, we have Kleiner Perkins Claufield and Byer with 2012 KPCB Internet Trends Year End Update, Kleiner Perkins Claufrield and Byers: KPCB Internet Trends 2012 and Koto Saito with GIT.

Education: In this category, we have Gregory Pouy pinterest for business, Alvaro Gonzalez – Alorda with the end of teaching as we know it, Jane Hart with top 100 tools for learning.

Travel: This category features Faris Yakob with Google think travel experience, Chris Ridson with Mapping the experience and Renn with top 10 most visited countries in the world.

Health: This category features Applying Psychology to web design, Hospital Joan De Deu – BCn with applications on health 2012, rock health with big data in digital health.

Uploads by Region

Over time, the respective uploads per continent is as follows. North America contributes 19%, South America contributed 23%, while Africa contributed 1%. Europe stands at 31% while Asia is at 24%.

With respect to countries, the average number of slides per language is 30 for Japanese, 28 for Chinese, 26 for German, 26 for Dutch, and 22 for English.

Professional Love SlideShare

This section has about 50 million unique visitors per month. Here is a list of some active users in this section.

1. Benth Kanter (/kanter)
2. Stephen Blank (/s.blank)
3. Robert Nyman (/robynman)
4. Rohit Bhargava (/rohitbhargava)
5. Gwyneth Jones (/gwynethjones)
6. Reed Hastings (/reed2001)
7. Lee Aase (/leeaase)

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.