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12 Essential SEO Copywriting Tips


SEO or search engine optimization had changed online marketing. Over the last ten years, dozens of rules had been laid out for SEO copywriting. Some rules were tweaked and inferences were drawn based on statistical analyses and case studies. Accordingly, copywriters and internet marketers had devised specific approaches to SEO. All such rules, inferences and approaches are futile today since the basic premise or the foundation of SEO has changed. Google has, once again, rewritten the rules of the game and today, a completely different approach to SEO copywriting has to be adopted by all and sundry.

‘SEO Copywriting – 13 Tips For Writing Content That Ranks In 2014’ is an info-graphic that would give you some precious advice on how to create compelling content that is helpful and which will actually work to get you better rankings and more traffic. Gone are the days when keyword stuffing worked. It is no longer the era of blurbs and shady practices. Spamming content, spun articles, information that lacks authority and snippets of awareness being spread in a short article are things of the past. To gain significance and to have a positive impact on your SEO, there has to be a new approach and vision.

As you explore the info-graphic, you will learn that content that targets the spiders or crawlers deployed by the Google algorithms will not work any longer. Keyword relevance is still important but more important than that is human engagement. Readability, originality, authority in a given niche, helpfulness and reader engagement, is more important than ever before. Google is not going to reward the contents that go overboard with smart keyword stuffing. Instead, Google is going to reward copies or contents that offer genuine help or are appreciated by the readers.

Appearing on the first page of search engine results is no longer the sole objective, getting an internet user to click on the link and then converting the visitor to a customer or lead is the objective. That cannot be done with smart SEO tactics alone but with content that genuinely helps and educates a reader. If the content is compellingly convincing, then a reader would proceed to try out a product, service or sign up as a subscriber or lead. It is this that drives SEO copywriting in 2014 and not the practices that were popular till the end of 2013.

It is necessary for any internet marketer or copywriter to keep reinventing the strategies but those tactics should always be in sync with changing times and rules. What works today may not work tomorrow and what had worked yesterday is redundant today. The info-graphic doesn’t illustrate or interpret the rules in any other way than what they were intended to imply. Abiding by those norms and judging content by those parameters are what will make any content stand out in 2014. Without such an elaborate yet specifically planned approach, content marketing will bear little or no impact.

About The Author
Although millions of people visit Brandon's blog each month, his path to success was not easy. Go here to read his incredible story, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors." If you want to send Brandon a quick message, then visit his contact page here.